the best tourism places in all the world ,many beautiful places unknown ,famous places all tourists visit it,all magic places

magic tourism

Tourism is very important in all world . All people in the world like to visit and see antiquities dating back to the various eras and civilization .Many countries contain history and beautiful places make tourists visit it. such as, Egypt is one of this countries It has been always a country of tourism. It contain many historical places such as Egyptian museum, Islamic ceramic museum, kom ushim museum and luxor temple.Anther country Duba it came he top of the world tourism in middle east So I want To show some information about tourism places in all the world . After that many tourists interested to discover new places in all the world they are prefer to visit historical places,beaches,and temples so i think tourism is very important for all . many company now use tourism places to make visitors and customers happy and buy to him products.I think tourism is found in all places .we use tourism to make children happy.and many uses but when people think.thank you and i will to read all infoormation about these places i put it.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Munich (Amazing)

Munich is famous in the southern state of Bavaria their environment for cultural
artistic and social history of a city of great beauty and is famous worldwide Bmehrjanadtha and musical events as well as the Center for a wonderful shopping in the Old City are crowded with pedestrians and shop and dining is the heart of vibrant and it one of the tourism places in the world.
Marenplatz streets leading to the rest of the town through the spacious gardens Angelicher the existing platform for musical groups to attract visitors to Munich Bengeha rich architectural and Balzacharv Khaddrtha interesting. Marenplatz Feel you are at Marenplatz located in the heart of Munich, you are in the courtyard of an Italian as the seats of the local people wearing national dress sitting next to people wearing the finest fashions from Paris fashion and London.

German Museum The largest museum of science in the world in one of Munich was founded almost a hundred years ago and includes a coal mine in the basement and in the course of the planets in the form of the upper floor of the Dome and the visit here is not just for fun, but also to acquire knowledge. Munich is the failure of the most important buildings in the country, see how the kings and the rulers of this country are living through the ages in a large furnished houses, Totitha chic.

Lakes Went out from Munich to the Lakes region, where many find a world of activity in the German countryside, whether you want hiking, swimming, sports, boats, or climbing, skiing, or take the opportunity to see Fort King Odoiq and some cities Alparfarip famous.

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