Located in Germany and Europe, a mediator of the high country of the first rank. Known Baklalla legendary dark and dense forests and plains of green on the outskirts of the Rhine River and the unique mix of culture, which combines the fine arts, mythology Brilliant
Berlin, formerly divided city wall a strong and thick. But now the stronghold of German culture and civilization, to merge the civilizations of East and West in a unique creative crucible of Fine Arts and the high buildings. There is in this city, the number of the largest buildings in the country, but there is also a lively culture of the streets and neighborhoods, which is rich in massive numbers, countless elegant fashion shops, fine dining restaurants, and scenic parks, shopping malls and crowded vital. Berln a consequence of the most beautiful tourist sites in Germany with its stunning views and beautiful areas for tourists.
Fanastic Name and blog but when you speak about Egypt must be photo from Egypt I mean frist pragraph